To prevent confusion of which Heart Container Pieces you've gotten and which you haven't, here's a handy checklist of all the Pieces. Once you've gotten that piece, just check it off. However, by no means should you try to get them in the order presented, or you may find yourself going crazy at parts! An asterik (*) means to get to that piece you must "Mirror" from the Dark World. Light World ----------- 1. Under Lumberjack's tree near Lost Woods 2. In Thief's Hideout in Lost Woods 3. In Theive's Hideout in Kakariko Village 4. At end of maze in Kakariko Village 5. Behind wall in pit in Kakariko Village 6. In Desert Sanctuary in the Desert of Mystery 7. South of west exit from Desert Palace 8. Under rock in northeast corner of Desert (*) 9. On top of Spectacle Rocks (*) 10. On island of rock in Death Mountain (*) 11. In Spectacle Rocks 12. In Cave that can't be jumped to on Death Mountain (*) 13. Under pile of rocks near Sanctuary 14. In cave above Graveyard (*) 15. South of Zora's place 16. Under water in Great Swamp 17. In cave in Great Swamp (*) 18. On island in Lake Hylia (*) For a more detailed description of where the pieces are and how to get them, see Z3LW.HNT. Dark World ---------- 19. Through cave near Skull Woods 20. In Game of Chance in Village of Outcasts 21. In Digging Game in Village of Outcasts 22. Under rock near Blacksmith's house 23. In west entrance to dungeon 6 in Misery Mire 24. On Golden Pyramid For a more detailed description of where the pieces are and how to get them, see Z3DW.HNT. Good Luck!!! More great files can be found on my BBS, The Playground!, at (508) 343-9163. Official release point for Apogee, Epic, and Software Creations. Contact me thru Compuserve at 74166,2504 or through Internet at, or in GEnie at E.GAGNE1. This file is copyright (c) 1993 by Kenny Gagne. All rights reserved. Not to be distributed without giving credit.